The Power of Culture – research paper

White paper of key findings

This white paper builds on the The impact of culture on institutional investors research and contains the findings of The Power of Culture Study, which involved 15 asset managers and asset owners. These leader organisations joined the study in various ways to better understand their own cultural signature and leadership, where they sit on a spectrum and how they could sharpen their own competitive edge.

The study involves the deployment, for the first time, of a bespoke dashboard which scores cultural attributes and edges and the level of engagement with culture at each organisation. In addition to developing their own better cultural outcomes, participants have supported positive cultural change in the industry.

Despite its centrality to organisational success, culture is still under researched, under measured and widely under rated by leaders as a differentiation tool. This paper aims to address these gaps by distilling our recent research and data to shed new light on the power of culture in support of greater purpose and mission in the investment industry, particularly in these challenging times.